Once Upon A Garden

Linda Dounia


Ranti Bam


Bayo Hassan Bello




Linda Dounia

Ranti Bam

Bayo Hassan Bello

Within the discourse on the climate emergency, it is clear which perspectives are lent prominence and from where they generally originate. The routine amplification of certain ideas is, we know, merely the logical outcome of the continued centralisation of the global north in knowledge production, and the consequent priority given to epistemologies from these regions. However, across the length and breadth of Africa exist a multitude of belief systems and practices that have centred and continue to centre the environment, in stark contrast to anthropocentric understandings of existence.

This conversation will examine artistic practices and productions that foster better connection with our planet and contribute to its protection and longevity. It will expand, in particular, on Linda Dounia’s digital installation, Once Upon a Garden, and Ranti Bam’s performance piece, Sowing Seeds in Hearthland, both of which were commissioned for this edition of the fair.