Rhythm Is The Soul Of Life



Qudus Onikeku





Qudus Onikeku

Where I come from we say that rhythm is the soul of life, because the whole universe revolves around rhythm, and when we get out of rhythm, that’s when we get into trouble” - Babatunde Olatunji.

Music, dance and performance have played an important role as acts of remembrance within African cultures for as long as recorded history, yet outside of the music industry, where is space allowed within the wider field of contemporary art discourse for these practices vis-à-vis this function of remembrance? Indeed, what can be learnt from these practices in this regard, and how do we underscore their value?

In spite of the uncertainties that rumble faintly beneath daily life on the continent, the flow and vibrancy of said life remains undimmed. This conversation will examine this flow through the lens of performance-based practices.