

Ranti Bam is an artist who currently lives and works between Lagos and London. Raised across two continents, clay has become a way for her to give cohesive form to her multiplicities and thereby fully inhabit the material and spiritual culture of both worlds. A ferocious reader, Bam is inspired by a passion of etymology and metaphors. The multiple dyads of the symbolic vessel continues to be of significance. Fusing painting and sculpture, Bam explores the literal and the metaphorical; inside and outside, abstraction and figuration, light and the dark, and spirit and form. She has come to observe her works function publicly as ‘hearths’, objects around which an audience gathers in contemplation, meditation and discourse. Working with clay in its natural unreinforced state, an avatar of her body in the world, she enjoys pushing this wondrous material to its limits and embracing all the creative process has to offer.